Pam Jones
IEEE Senior Member
Dedicated to Serving Young People in the Community
Pam Jones joined IEEE because her mentor, an IEEE member, said that she would have the opportunity to collaborate with others and work in the underserved community. For Pam, the greatest benefit of IEEE is “the chance to meet others who share my passion for affecting the lives of young people.”
When asked why she supports IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (HKN), Pam said, “I can see a direct impact of my contributions. I’ve received hand written post cards from the students who told me how my funds were used for their projects. If it was not for my contribution their program may not have come to fruition.” Adding that, “I have a responsibility to, in some small way, have a positive effect on our future. Our young people are the ones taking up the banner and leading us to a brighter tomorrow. HKN members take an oath to pursue things that are for the betterment of our communities. I know I’m making a great choice when donating my money to IEEE-HKN.”
Another reason why Pam gives to IEEE-HKN is the commitment she sees from IEEE, saying “Nancy Ostin, Director of HKN, is truly dedicated to the success of IEEE-HKN. She works tirelessly with the chapters and the students say her excitement is infectious. Her enthusiasm plays a huge part each year in my decision to support IEEE-HKN.” Pam thinks that IEEE staff should never underestimate the impact they have on a members’ decision to donate.